
A second de-pollution boat for our Taiwanese customer

EFINOR SEA CLEANER pollution control boats for export

While the first clean-up vessel sold to our Taiwanese customer is on its way to its final home port, a second order has recently been signed. This order is for the manufacture of a second identical vessel, the Multi Cleaner 94.

You can find the technical details of this ship by reading our dedicated article published in April!

Industrial optimisation

In order to ensure continuous improvement of our products, our teams have been working on feedback on the construction of the first vessel. This industrial optimisation will, in particular, make it possible to meet the manufacturing deadline.

Thus, we are proud to export our know-how and at the same time to develop our activities for the benefit of national water bodies.

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Current news :

A pollution control vessel on display at the 2024 edition of the Grand Pavois de la Rochelle.

At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.


EFINOR SEA CLEANER delivered to the Canaries

From a small corner of Brittany, France, high-performance teams with a passion for the sea and its environment create innovative vessels to clean up and decontaminate the seas and oceans.

We recently sold a pollution control vessel to GRUPO SEPCAN SAPCAN 🚢