A pollution control vessel on display at the 2024 edition of the Grand Pavois de la Rochelle.

At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.

EFINOR SEA CLEANER, designer and manufacturer of cleaning and depollution vessels, has developed aluminum tool vessels to meet maritime cleaning needs. These innovative vessels are designed to meet a wide range of requirements, from small ports and marinas to offshore operations.

The Grand Pavois de la Rochelle is an opportunity for our teams to showcase our boats and their ease of use to as many people as possible.

We'll be delighted to meet you in the test area - pontoon 1 - to show you how we can improve the quality of our waterways!

We would like to thank Normandie Maritime for making this exhibition possible and invite you to come and discover the richness of Normandy's maritime world!

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Current news :

A pollution control vessel on display at the 2024 edition of the Grand Pavois de la Rochelle.

At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.


EFINOR SEA CLEANER delivered to the Canaries

From a small corner of Brittany, France, high-performance teams with a passion for the sea and its environment create innovative vessels to clean up and decontaminate the seas and oceans.

We recently sold a pollution control vessel to GRUPO SEPCAN SAPCAN 🚢