To quote the French Maritime Cluster, "France, with 11 million square kilometres of exclusive economic zone, 97% of which are in the Overseas Territories, has the world's 2nd largest maritime area".
The French maritime economy is therefore a reality that the French Government has taken full measure of by creating a Ministry of the Sea on 6 July 2020. This ministry is responsible for drawing up and implementing the government's policy in the field of the sea in its various national and international aspects, particularly in terms of the environment, the maritime economy, and maritime influence.
In parallel with governmental actions, groups act in the service of the French maritime economy, such as GICAN, of which the group has been a member since the beginning.
GICAN is a professional union that brings together nearly 200 industrialists and organisations from the French maritime sector.
The aim of this group is to promote the development of the French maritime industry through 3 main missions:
1. Defend the interests of the French maritime industry
2. Promote French maritime technological and industrial expertise
3. To support the harmonious development and competitiveness of the naval industry and the maritime industry sector
Today, the naval sector represents no less than :
The group has been developing for 33 years in all sectors of the naval industry. Through our various subsidiaries, we are involved in all sectors of the naval industry as an integrating architect:
- Subcontracting of large MOI's in civil and military shipbuilding
- Ship fitting and interior design
- Construction of high-speed ships with high added value
- Construction of pollution control ships with patented technology
- Maintenance / Refit
As a Tier 1 subcontractor, we work with prestigious clients such as Naval Group or Chantiers de l'Atlantique, but also as a direct contact for the shipowner.
Our skills for your success
Taking charge of the entire management of the operations
Realization of the architecture, basic and detailed design
Control of the manufacturing operations
Control of the customers delivery
Training of the crews to the ship operation
Maintenance in Operational Conditions of the ships
Mechanical Maintenance
Ship Maintenance / Refit
At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.
From a small corner of Brittany, France, high-performance teams with a passion for the sea and its environment create innovative vessels to clean up and decontaminate the seas and oceans.
We recently sold a pollution control vessel to GRUPO SEPCAN SAPCAN 🚢