Whether you are a native Breton or just a summer tourist, they have not escaped anyone's notice...
These Ulva, which usually measure a few centimetres and can reach a metre in less agitated environments, proliferate on the Breton coast and can even invade the beaches.
A natural phenomenon, it is no less problematic for the Brittany region, whose coasts are being invaded. Green algae develop mainly due to a combination of three factors: the morphology of the coastline, nitrogen and weather conditions. It is therefore the combination of these elements that can lead to more or less significant strandings of green algae on the coasts, from spring to autumn
Nowadays, the waste is collected mainly on the beaches and then transformed into compost or spread directly on agricultural land.
In order to counteract this phenomenon, the regional prefecture has launched a call for projects to find companies capable of implementing an innovative and experimental process for collecting green algae at sea in the Bay of Saint Brieuc.
It is in this context that EFINOR SEA CLEANER, a shipyard based in PAIMPOL and specialised in the manufacture of pollution control vessels, proposed a solution, which was accepted by the prefecture.
It is a 12 metre long vessel with a storage capacity of 15 tonnes. Equipped with wheels, it can be refloated if necessary.
The vessel is currently being manufactured and should begin its collection campaign in the Bay of St Brieuc and La Fresnaye in July.
At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.
From a small corner of Brittany, France, high-performance teams with a passion for the sea and its environment create innovative vessels to clean up and decontaminate the seas and oceans.
We recently sold a pollution control vessel to GRUPO SEPCAN SAPCAN 🚢