
EFINOR Sea Cleaner, a player in the preservation of the ocean.

On Tuesday 8 June 2021, we celebrate World Ocean Day, an environmental initiative launched in 1992.

The ocean represents more than 70% of the planet and produces about 50% of the oxygen. It is therefore an essential element for the proper functioning of the planet. However, certain behaviours are damaging this resource, which must be preserved as a matter of urgency.

World Ocean Day was created to raise awareness of this cause.
Numerous initiatives have been launched to support this cause.

An association at the service of the ocean

We can mention, among others, the association The SeaCleaners created in 2016 by the sailor Yvan Bourgnon, who has been able to observe pollution around the world for many years, on all continents.
The SeaCleaners is known for having designed a unique factory boat that will collect, treat and recycle large quantities of plastic waste.
While waiting to collect the last funds necessary for the construction of this 50-metre long vessel, the association had the idea of creating a small 8-metre long vessel to complement the Manta.
This small boat, called the Mobula 8, aims to clean up areas that are difficult for the Manta to access, such as rivers or port areas.

To build the Mobula 8, The SeaCleaners association called on a company specialising in shipbuilding, EFINOR Sea Cleaner, located in Paimpol.

A successful collaboration with a company specialising in the design and manufacture of pollution control vessels

EFINOR Sea Cleaner, a subsidiary of the EFINOR group, specialises in the design, manufacture and marketing of multi-service clean-up vessels equipped with a unique and innovative patented technology. The recovery system is integrated into the vessels and allows the collection of all types of floating waste, whether solid or liquid, including hydrocarbons.
The Mobula 8 was co-developed to meet the specific needs of the association.

After an official inauguration at the Paimpol shipyard, the ship will set sail for Indonesia for a first awareness/depollution campaign. Its design allows it to be transported in a 40-foot container anywhere in the world.

A big brother is expected to be born soon.


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Current news :

A pollution control vessel on display at the 2024 edition of the Grand Pavois de la Rochelle.

At the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, a 100% electric-powered cleaning and depollution vessel will be demonstrating its solid and liquid waste collection capabilities.


EFINOR SEA CLEANER delivered to the Canaries

From a small corner of Brittany, France, high-performance teams with a passion for the sea and its environment create innovative vessels to clean up and decontaminate the seas and oceans.

We recently sold a pollution control vessel to GRUPO SEPCAN SAPCAN 🚢